In 2008, the galerie_frédéric moisan discovered Alfredo Vilchis’s votive offerings through the Maison des cultures du Monde, which has been carrying out extensive investigative work in favor of foreign cultures for 29 years. Therefore, in March 2009, a major exhibition was devoted to the work of Alfredo Vilchis at the gallery. Building on its success, the galerie_frédéric moisan presented a new exhibition of the painter of altarpieces at the end of 2011. The event brought together more than 130 ex-votos and was held jointly with the exhibition "Le musée-monde" at the Louvre. Alfredo Vilchis is today the most talented representative of a very old tradition, that of the painters of ex-votos or painter of miracles (“milagros”) as we call these small paintings on metal deposited by the hundre...